Mocão - Montes Claros Stadium
Project: Mocão – Montes Claros Stadium
Location: Montes Claros, MG
Year: 2001
Area: 45.000 m²
Authors: Bruno Campos, Marcelo Fontes
Complementary Projects:
Concrete structures and foundations: Hélio Chumbinho (Misa Engenharia)
Hydrosanitary and Electrical Installations and Structured Wiring: Elizabeth R. Araújo (Engeth)
Thermoacoustics and Sound: Prof. Pérides Silva (Protherm)
External and Field Lighting Technician: Emerson Cardoso e Sandro dos Santos (Tecnowatt)
Fire prevention and combat: Cap. Geraldo Félix de Moura (Segurança Engineering)
Protection System Against Atmosferic Discharge: Normando V. Borges Alves (Termotécnica)
Architectural Program: Fernando Rocha (Ipatingão)
Status: Project
Steel Structures: Roberto Martini (AM Estruturas)
Internal Lighting Technician: Sônia M Gomes (Dialux)